We'll be active from 6 to 160 meters (include WARC bands) in CW, SSB and RTTY with at least 5 stations at the same time in different bands and modes.
TX / RX Amplifiers Antennas Others
 1 x IC-7000  2 x Acom 1010  2 x Hexbeam  Laptops with Wintest
 2 x IC-7200  Others Amplifiers  2 x Spiderbeam  Heil headset
 3 x K3    1 x 50Mhz Yagi  CW keys
   Vertical wire for 30M  RTTY interface
   Vertical wire for 40M  
   Vertical wire for 80M
   Sloper for 160M
6M 50.105 50.115
10M 28.024 28.495 28.080
12M 24.894 24.945 24.921
15M 21.024 21.295 21.080
17M 18.074 18.145 18.100
20M 14.024 14.145 14.080
30M 10.104 10.140
40M 7.004 7.065 / 7.160 7.035
80M 3.524 3.780
160M 1.824 1.845
50 MHz information and operating tips

* The 6 metre band will be included in this operation. Although the dates are not at the very peak of the Sporadic E season we think it is worthwhile making the effort, in spite of the long distance to Europe, Asia and North America.
* We will use a 7 element Yagi plus a kW. A second beam may be used for monitoring purposes.
* We plan to use the frequency 50.105 for CW and 50.115 for SSB, although it may be changed, depending on local noise/birdies. Split operation will be used when needed.
* The main mode will be CW. If band conditions permit, SSB will be used to gain a higher QSO rate. Please do not ask for mode changing.
* Please avoid QSO duplication, give others a chance. Logs will be uploaded twice a day to our website.
* Whenever it's possible, and while the band appears closed, the station will be beaconing on the same frequency. If you hear it, feel free to send a text (SMS) saying your grid locator and report only. Our phone number is +249 955854473.
* Our Grid Locator is KJ54TU. Please, DO NOT send your locator, it is not needed and we won't log it anyway, it wastes precious time.

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