November 29th 2011

Just we started our Bureau OQRS system , if you wish your confirmation through bureau system , follow instructions listed on:
Bureau OQRS.
Please do not duplicate your request.

August 8th 2011

Tomorrow August 9th we'll start to tear down our antennas. We expect to QRT on August 10th between 07:00 and 08:00 UTC.
OQRS will be ready as soon as we arrive home late this week.
Thank you very much to everybody for this wonderful experience.
The ST0R Team

Friday, August 05, 2011 5:05 PM

The following operation is approved for DXCC credit:

STØR – South Sudan Current operation

August 5th 2011

Today, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Communications and his staff visited the ST0R team and observed our operations.
The Undersecretary has been very supportive of our plans to conduct this DXpedition to the new country of the Republic of South Sudan.
Following the visit to the radio shack, we enjoyed a cordial lunch and exchanged documents to commemorate the first DXpedition to the Republic of South Sudan.
The ST0R team is also assisting the Ministry of Communications with the ITU application for their own prefix. We are also providing them guidence to establish their own Amateur Radio activities.
Thank you,
The ST0R Team

August 3th 2011

K3LP arrived here past July 31th and just today he went back home. He was helping us during three days. Thank you David !
K1LZ arrived Juba yesterday and he will be working mainly on the low bands until August 10th sunrise. QRM and QRN levels are over 599+10 and our daily storm does not help with statics noise however 60 QSO were logged yesterday on the Top Band.
Next Friday JH4RHF , RG8K and RA9USU will be going back home so will do our best for to keep at least 4 stations on the air during the weekend.

July 31th 2011

K3LP arrived today , tomorrow we'll try to install 160 meters antenna.

July 31th 2011

Dispatch Juba:
The ST0R team continues to work through the pile ups, now passing the 60,000 QSO mark. We are continuing to run five stations and and we are trying to get QSOs into the hands of all who need them. As is the custom and practice of the Intrepid-DX Group, we have invited local youth to visit our operation. Today, we arranged a visit of 25 boys from the Juba Secondary Boy's Academy. We gave the boys a tour of the ST0R shack and explained to them the various aspects of amateur radio. We allowed them to listen as we made QSOs across the world. We have recorded this visit on the ST0R photos page:
We are just at the half-way mark of the DXpedition and we will continue to be active until August 10th, 2011.
Thank you,
The ST0R Team

July 27th 2011

80 meters antenna is working , tonight we'll be on 3504 khz.

July 26th 2011

We have the five stations running and the 6 meters beacon. We had today a good openning on 6 to EU. Please send a SMS when you'll be able to listen our beacon on 50.105.
One of the Spiderbeams are still on the ground , we want to rise it tomorrow.
We installed today the 80/160 dipole but it has a problem so we removed it and we installed the 80 meters dipole used when E4X and it also has a problem. Tomorrow morning EA7AJR and me we'll check what is happening.
Right now we are ten operators here: N6PSE , RA9USU, RG8K, JH4RHF , YT1AD , DH8WR, IN3ZNR , EA7AJR , EA7KW and EA5RM. Tomorrow morning , YT1AD will return home and we are waiting AH6HY arrival tomorrow afternoon. Others US team members will arrive here around August 2th.
Pile ups are too heavy. I hate to work by numbers but sometimes there is no way to handle these pile ups. Please do not send emails requesting log changes , if you do not see your call in our online log , try to work us again there is enough time until August 10th to try.
Main target still is to give the new country to as many people as possible and we'll start to work others bands during upcoming days.

Thank you,

July 24th 2011

The new TX frequency for 20 meters is 14.145, RX from 14.200 and up.
Please, do not send mail if you do not appear in the log, if not 100% sure of the QSO, retry the contact.

July 22th 2011

30 and 40 meters antenas are already installed. Firts beam is ready to be raised tomorrow morning. We have not internet connection.

July 19th 2011

Today, the Intrepid-DX Group is making their way to Cairo to meet with the DX Friends.
Our advance team will arrive in Juba, South Sudan tomorrow (July 20th) with a list of tasks to perform in advance of the main team.
As the ITU has not yet issued a new prefix for South Sudan, our license that was issued in March has the call-sign of ST0R. (Sierra Tango Zero Romeo).
That will be our call for the DXpedition unless the ITU issues a new prefix which will require that we amend our license.
More updates to follow.

Thank you,
The Intrepid-DX Group and The DX Friends.

July 14th 2011

On July 9th, the Republic of South Sudan was born upon their successful declaration of independence from Sudan. The Country of Sudan has congratulated and recognized the Republic of South Sudan.
Today, on July 14th, 2011, the United Nations admitted the Republic of South Sudan as the newest member state. This is a significant achievement for this new country and a significant milestone for amateur radio. It is expected that the ARRL will now add South Sudan to the DXCC list of entities.
The DX Friends and the Intrepid-DX Group continue to move forward with their plans to activate this new entity with a multi-national DXpedition team. With our visas in hand, the teams will soon be making their way towards Africa and ultimately to Juba, the new capitol of this new nation.
We will have five active stations, operating 24 hrs a day.
We will be in regular contact with our US, EU and JA Pilot Stations and we will pay close attention to propagation reports from them. We ask that you please make contact with the pilot stations only during the DXpedition and to please refrain from contacting the team members directly via email. We will announce our call sign once we are in Juba and ready to become active.

Thank you,
The Intrepid-DX Group and The DX Friends.

July 02th 2011

In just a few short days, the people of South Sudan will declare their independence from Sudan and will become the new Republic of South Sudan.
Vice President of South Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar Teny has announced that admission as a member state of the United Nations will take place on July 14th, 2011.
The DX Friends and the Intrepid-DX Group continue to monitor the UN General Assembly and Security Council votes and are moving forward with our plans for a large multi-national DXpedition to take place soon after the UN admission occurs.
Equipment has been procured and is being staged for rapid delivery to Juba, the new capitol of South Sudan. Team members have applied for their visas and we are awaiting them now.
We have held several successful meetings with representatives of the Government of South Sudan. We have been issued an amateur radio license for the purpose of this DXpedition. The Government of South Sudan is very supportive of our plans to visit Juba and to help them celebrate the birth of their new country.
We plan to soon be in the new capital of Juba and to be ready to start our DXpedition after admission by the UN. We will have 18 operators operating 24×7 on seven active stations.
At this time, we are seeking Foundation, Club and Individual Sponsors to help us defray the costs of carrying out this very important DXpedition.

Thank you,
The Intrepid-DX Group and The DX Friends.

June 06th 2011

The Intrepid-DX Group and the DX Friends/Tifariti Gang continues to move forward with our plans to activate the new country of South Sudan with a large multi-national DXpedition.
We have held several successful meetings with representatives of the Government of South Sudan. We have been issued an amateur radio license for the purpose of this DXpedition. The Government of South Sudan is very supportive of our plans to visit Juba and to help them celebrate the birth of their new country.
The Government of South Sudan will declare their independence from Sudan on July 9th, 2011. They have applied to the UN for admission as a member state. The UN General Assembly and Security Council will vote on the matter in the weeks following the declaration of independence.
While there have been attacks and fighting in the disputed border region of Abyei, these issues are not expected to derail the emergence of this new country.
We plan to be in the new capital of Juba and to be ready to start our DXpedition upon admission by the UN. We will have 18 operators operating 24/7 on seven active stations.
At this time, we are seeking Foundation, Club and Individual Sponsors to help us defray the costs of carrying out this DXpedition.

Thank you,
The Intrepid-DX Group and The DX Friends.

March 18th 2011

After a long way , a lot of hard work and several successful meetings with South Sudan Government officials of various Ministries , just today, the first amateur radio license has been issued by the new government.
South Sudan Government officials now understand amateur radio and they are ready to change the actual rules and regulations as soon as possible , looking to simplify the process of obtaining a license, so that everyone can enjoy amateur radio in this new country.
We have the cooperation of both Ministries for to update our license if there is a new prefix that will be assigned by ITU and we'll be in permanet contact with the proper department helping in the development of amateur radio in South Sudan.
Our Dxpedition will start on July from Juba so please stay tuned.
I want to thanks Government of South Sudan officials cooperation and my whole team support.

Antonio Gonzalez EA5RM
Juba , South Sudan , March 18th 2011

February 2011

The Intrepid-DX Group and the DX Friends have combined efforts to announce our next DXpedition, to the newly created country of South Sudan, to take place after July 9th 2011.
The Intrepid-DX Group is the group which brought you the 2010 YI9PSE, IRAQ DXpedition. The DX Friends have brought you the 2006 SØ1R DXpedition to Western Sahara, the 2008 DXpedition to Rwanda as 9XØR, the 2009 DXpedition to Western Sahara as SØ4R, the 2010 DXpedition to Palestine as E4X and the 2010 DXpedition to San Marino as T7ØA.
Once again, ICOM America has agreed to be Global Radio Sponsor, while ACOM-K1LZ has agreed to provide the venerable ACOM amplifiers for this operation.
It is hoped that the callsign STØDX will be issued this next week following our meeting with the Government of South Sudan Mission in America.
As with previous DXpeditions, this will be a major effort, with a target of more than 150,000 QSOs. There will be up to ten stations on the air, using amplifiers along with high performance beams and vertical dipole arrays, 24 hours a day, for almost three weeks.
Our primary objective is to activate South Sudan with a view to giving as many DXers as possible a first contact with this new DXCC entity and, as a secondary objective, to give as many band-slots as possible.

Thank you,
The Intrepid-DX Group and The DX Friends.

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