
We´ll be active from October 26th to November 7th, from 6 to 160 meters (including Warc bands) on CW, SSB and Digi modes with at least 4 stations on the air at the same time. HD8R grid locator is: EI59gc

TX / RX Antennas Amplifiers Others
2 x Icom IC-7000 3 x 5Bands Spiderbeam 3 x SPE Expert 1.5K-FA Bandpass Filters
2 x Elecraft K3 1 x Vertical for 30m 1 x SPE Expert 1.3K-FA 5 x Laptop PC
1 x Icom IC-756ProII 1 x Vertical for 40m 1 x HAL Atlantic 1200 4 x aluminium mast
1 x Kenwood TS-590 1 x Vertical for 60m   Win-Test Software
1 x Icom IC-910 1 x Vertical for 80m   1 x triplexer
  1 x Inverted “L” for 160m   1 x pentaplexer
  2 x Beverages    
  1 x 28ft boom 6m Yagi    
  1 x Arrow SAT Antenna    

  This might change depending on the local QRM.    
6M 50.103 50.103 - 50.313
10M 28.024 28.495 - 28.095
12M 24.894 24.945 - 24.911
15M 21.024 21.295 - 21.091
17M 18.074 18.145 - 18.095
20M 14.024 14.195 14.080 14.090
30M 10.104 - - 10.131
40M 7.004 7.065 / 7.160 - 7.056
60M 5.360 5.360 - 5.357
80M 3.524 3.780 - 3.567
160M 1.824 1.845 - 1.843

50 MHz Beacon information.
A 24h FT8 beacon will be deployed on 50.313 for opening alert purposes. If there's an opening we will be on 50.103 CW/SSB or in FT8 if signals are not audible for human modes.
The beacon will be sending HD8R/B during even periods. If we have enough cell phone coverage on the site we´ll announce the number where to send a text to alert us of a possible opening.
6 meters y SAT TIPs
The grid locator is EI59gc. Please DO NOT send your locator on SSB or CW, it is not needed and we won't log it anyway, it wastes precious time.
Whenever it's possible, and while the band remains closed, the station will be beaconing on 50.313 FT8. If you hear it, feel free to send a text (SMS) saying your grid locator and report only. Tlfn: TBA

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