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Spain EA2RY - Alava - Spain
Name: Roberto Filloy
Licensed since: 1991
Preferences: Digital modes
Former DXpeditions: FG/EA2RY, CT9R, EA2RY/HI7, S01R
Contest-Op: EA4ML, AO1A, AM2RY, AN2RY
Spain EA3EXV - Tarragona - Spain
Name: Gerard Muste
Profession: Computer Technician
Licensed since: 2001
Preferences: SSB
Former DXpeditions: HS0AC, YN1/EA3EXV
Spain EA4DRV - Madrid - Spain
Name: Manuel Peralo
Profession: Commercial
Licensed since: 1996
Preferences: CW
Former DXpeditions: First
Spain EA5KM - Alicante - Spain
Name: Francisco Javier Dominguez
Profession: Electrician
Licensed since: 1985
Preferences: CW
Former DXpeditions: TZ6RD, CW5R (SA-039), 5H2AG, S01R
Contest-Op: AM5R, EA5CW
Spain EA5RM - TEAM LEADER - Alicante - Spain
Name: Antonio Gonzalez
Profession: Official
Licensed since: 1992
Preferences: SSB / Digital modes
Former DXpeditions: HQ0R, XU7ABD, TG0R, S05X, TZ6RD, CW5R (SA-039), 5H2AG, S01R
Contest-Op: AM5R, EF8A, ED4URH, EA4ML
Spain EA7AJR - Sevilla - Spain
Name: Manuel German
Profession: Official
Licensed since: 1977
Preferences: CW
Former DXpeditions: First
Spain EB5ESX - EA5BZ - Alicante - Spain
Name: Ruben Navarro
Profession: Industrial Engineer
Licensed since: 1996
Preferences: SSB / Digital modes
Former DXpeditions: First
Contest-Op: AM5R
Spain EC4DX - Madrid - Spain
Name: Javier Prados
Profession: Telecommunications Technician
Licensed since: 1993
Preferences: SSB
Former DXpeditions: S01R, 3V8SM (AF-083) and IOTAs AF-004, EU-143, EU-093, EU-078
Contest-Op: EA8URL, EF8A, EA4URE, AO4R, AM5R, ED4URH
Italy IN3ZNR - Trento - Italy
Name: Fabrizio Vedovelli
Profession: Owner of Advertising Agency
Licensed since: 1980
Preferences: SSB
Former DXpeditions: WHØQ, SV5, SV9, J6, XU7AAY, XW3ZNR, T48Z, XY3ZN, A25FV, 7P8NR, IH9P, S01R, IS0T.
Italy I0ZY - Roma - Italy
Name: Gianfranco Scasciafratti
Profession: Electronic designer
Licensed since: 1957
Preferences: SSB / Digital modes
Former DXpeditions: 1A0KM

Manager and builder of SPE Expert amplifiers, sponsor of 9X0R.
Gianfranco will give to the team technical support for amplifiers SPE Expert 1K-FA.

Ukraine UY7CW - Ukraine
Name: Dimitri Vlasenko
Licensed since: 1978
Preferences: CW / SSB
Former DXpeditions: S01R
Contest-Op: EF8A, AO4R, AM5R, EA4ML
France F9IE - France
Name: Chéreau Bernard
Licensed since: 1962
Preferences: CW / SSB
Former DXpeditions: PX1IE, C31BC, FO0XE, XU7ABZ, 5R8PR, 5R8OP, 9M6TE, 9M6P, FY9IS, FG0P, FY0P, FR0P, TO0P, XW8FP, TO7C, 5H1C, XT2C, J5C, C56/F9IE, HC2/F9IE, HC4/F9IE, 6W7/F9IE, 6W8/F9IE, OA5/F9IE, OA6/F9IE, OA7/F9IE, FM/F9IE, FG/F9IE, FY/F9IE, J8/F9IE, 4S7/F9IE, TM5CHA, TM5BI, TM5N, TM5TBN, TM5Y, TM0PR, TV6YEU, LU/F9IE, CE8/F9IE, XF1/F9IE, F9I3/XF3.
Contest-Op: TM2P,TM2Y, TM7C, TM7C.
9XØR Logistical Support in Spain
Spain EA4TD - Oscar - Madrid - Spain